
Something for everyone

After weeks of sparse releases, there are big titles across nearly every platform covering nearly every need this week, which may be just enough to hold us gamers over until the dry spell ends in August. Kids (and maybe some adults) will dig the cheap movie tie-ins of Harry Potter, Ratatouille & Transformers on each and every console. I actually have some hope for the newest Harry Potter game on the Wii, as you can actually do the wand motions on your Wii remote, which if pulled off well, could be the best licensed game in history. I also feel that designers are dropping the ball with making Ratatouille your traditional platformer, when it could benefit from being a really deep cooking title. Transformers does seem to play to the strengths of the franchise from the videos I've seen, but it's most likely a shallow offering like most tie-in titles.

Craving some online Wii action? You know you are. And while Mario Strikers isn't out for another month, you can jump on now with Pokemon Battle Revolution. Surely the millions of Pokemaniacs who ate up the "new" DS iterations of the games will eat this up as well, but after finding out that the game hasn't changed in roughly 15 years, I'm passing on this opportunity to have adorable critters beat the crap out of each other.

There's something for those gamers who always are on the lookout for something "different" as well. Enjoyed Odin Sphere? Well then you'll probably also enjoy Grim Grimoire, from the same developer. It's another odd bird as it's a 2D RTS, but it has mostly positive buzz, so those looking for something unique may want to give it a shot.

Feeling like being a little evil? Got a couple of titles that might satiate you. Firstly, there's The Darkness, which is like the Godfather, but with dark sorcery. But the title I'm definitely most excited about is Overlord. I already gushed all over this evil version of Pikmin when I talked about the demo recently, and the full reviews seem to support my enthusiasm, so I can't wait to pick it up this week.

Finally, I'd like to give a cheap plug to a great gamer-comedy blog, SarcasticGamer.com. They've provided me with a lot of entertainment with their great commentary and funny as hell songs over the past few months, which has earned them a permanent spot in my links. Check out some of their best work:

How To Kill Your Brand

Microsoft Surface Parody

Red Ring of Fire

No Frikkin Games

That's it for today, but I'll probably be back tomorrow. In the meantime, here's your TRAILER OF THE WEEK: MICHAEL CLAYTON

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