
Hit Men & Gamers are basically the same

Ah, leave it to Jack Thompson to make these wonderfully long and unrelated leaps of absolute non-logic. In his latest departure from reality, Thompson enlightens us with such gems as : “Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you’re a hit man or a video gamer.” Right. I'm sure Al Capone & his cronies trained on video games, or Al Qaeda's top agents for that matter. Oh, and by the way, Mr. Thompson, generally speaking, Hit men do in fact, NOT SHOOT PEOPLE IN THE FACE. It's messy and makes the mark harder to identify, therefore making it harder for said hit man to prove he killed the person and earn his money. Hell, if the Hitman games have taught me anything, it's that preferred methods are things like poison or strangulation. And if you have to resort to shooting, it's usually high up/far away with a sniper rifle on a very specific point in the head, not blowing up their face point blank. But I could also learn this crap by watching the myriad of movies based on hit men or books for that matter, yet I do not. Could it possibly be because like most gamers I am a reasonably well-adjusted person who will never go out and commit a violent act strictly due to video games? What honestly really worries me about the story, though, is that the police apparently took Thompson's claims seriously since they actually seized the suspect's games as evidence. If anything, this provides evidence for some BS insanity defense. I really wish somebody with some fucking stones (either Jon Stewart or Pen & Teller would be a great choice) would take this scum on and really show what he is-An opportunistic lying ambulance chaser desperate to get his name in print on the air, stretching out his 15 minutes as long as possible.

Moving on, with tomorrow being 6/6/06, some are predicting an apocalyptic day (would be nice if I could sleep in because everything has been burned to ash), but movie-wise, it means yet another remake nobody asked for: THE OMEN. The original film is one of the few horror classic that I think truly deserves it's status, as it still holds up surprisingly well. But remakes are rarely halfway decent to begin with, and this seems like a pointless straight remake to cheaply cash in.

That's really all for today, but I'll almost certainly be back tomorrow, meanwhile, here's the SCRUBS CLIP OF THE WEEK:

And, a fun little fan movie: CONSOLE WARS: EPISODE IV

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>>>>I really wish somebody with some fucking stones (either Jon Stewart or Pen & Teller would be a great choice) would take this scum on and really show what he is-An opportunistic lying ambulance chaser desperate to get his name in print on the air, stretching out his 15 minutes as long as possible.

Two words: "Joseph McCarthy" (November 14, 1908 to May 2, 1957)
