That's correct, in a little over an hour from this writing, the classic TMNT arcade game will be available on Xbox Live for a measly FIVE DOLLARS. Considering this was by far my favorite arcade game and I probably spent several hundred dollars of my parents money on it when I was a kid, this is probably the best bang for my buck in history. If by some miracle you missed out on this absolute classic, you need to pick it up, and anyone who played it should not need any convincing.
But what $50 game am I still pretty excited about, that would be the PS2's last AAA title, God of War II, which should be in stores tomorrow afternoon. It's a sort of bittersweet note, as this will most likely be the last game most people buy for their slowly dying system, but at least unlike it's last-gen brethren, it's going out with one hell of a bang.
Are Wii owners left in the cold this week, though? Most definitely not, as the highly anticipated Tiger Woods 07 hits this week, hopefully delivering on all the potential shown in Wii Golf. Granted, EA is hardly known for delivering innovation, but they seem to be having a fantastic track record on the Wii with Madden & SSX Blur already under their belt.
That's pretty much it for today, aside from just quickly saying that I saw 300, and it was truly glorious. This is a movie that screams to be seen on the biggest possible screen, so be sure to check it out in a theatre (or IMAX if that's a possibility).
1 comment:
Dont forget the simpsons arcade game, that one was amazing. Loving my ps3 I got motorstorm and NBA Street. Got Bond and Departed in blu ray...tasty.
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